Oregon Ducks: No Evidence of Violations at the Moment


The national and regional response coming off the release of the Oregon football scouting documents yesterday would make you think the program has been found guilty.  As outside spectators we have no idea what is being said behind closed doors between Oregon and the NCAA.  Documents simply provide more fuel to feed the fire because now we can get everyone else’s interpretation of one piece without any insider clarity.  It’s like taking a quote out of context – suddenly it means something entirely different.  What it looks like is that Oregon didn’t get what they paid for and that looks suspicious to a lot of people, but for now, the thing to remember is that there is no evidence of an NCAA violation based on the documents we saw yesterday.  It also seems a bit strange to me that if the Oregon program were actually “buying access to players” wouldn’t they cover it up a bit more?

Even though Oregon is in the spotlight right now, this issue looks to have much further reach.  The main concern is that there have been too many questions raised about recruiting processes.  Rumor has it that the NCAA has sent out investigators to look at other top teams for the same questions – is money changing hands to steer recruits to specific teams?  I doubt this issue will go away anytime soon so as fans we’ll have to let it play out.  The speculation will continue and the questions will be raised but until everything is said and done, it is only speculation.    If the NCAA decides that services provided by Lyles are anything other than recruiting packages then Oregon will not be the only school that gets pasted all over the media on this issue.

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In more positive Duck news, summer practices have started up this week.  Cliff Harris was a no-show for the voluntary practice.